a yellow sun with rays coming out of it on a white background .
a logo for dixie county high school with a tiger on it

Grades 7th-12th

Principal: Eli Long

Assistant Principals: Mark Beach and Lindsey Whittington

17924 SE Hwy 19

Cross City, FL 32628


a black and white drawing of a bear holding a football .

Hotline 352-541-6230

In case of emergency, dial 911.

Report fraud, waste, abuse, or any suspicious activity on school property (drug-related, criminal, or bullying) either anonymously or by using your name.

Dixie District Schools is not responsible for lost or stolen personal items.

the logo for college board pre-ap partner

Student Participation Policy

Any student intending to represent Dixie County High School in any sport, club, or activity, including Homecoming Court, must have a 2.0 GPA or higher to participate.


Please check your family access Skyward account to monitor your child's grades, attendance, missing assignments, etc. If you do not have a Skyward account, please contact Mrs. Beth Palmer in Guidance by calling 352-541-6252 or emailing bethpalmer@dixie.k12.fl.us.

Our Mission

At Dixie County High School, staff will facilitate rigorous instruction in an engaging, inspiring, and challenging learning environment; all students will graduate prepared for higher learning and careers in order to be knowledgeable and engaged citizens.

Our Vision

The vision of Dixie County High School is to create a nurturing culture that strives to instill the desire in all students to become lifelong learners through a rigorous and relevant curriculum that prepares them for college, career, and success in a global society.

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